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Showing posts with the label FLSA

Understanding Rounding Time in the Workplace under California Labor Law

California labor law provides guidelines and regulations to ensure fair compensation for employees. One aspect that often raises questions is the practice of rounding time in the workplace. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of rounding time under California labor law and provide a clear understanding of its implications for both employers and employees. 1. What is rounding time? Rounding time refers to the practice of adjusting an employee's recorded work hours to the nearest increment, typically the nearest quarter-hour. This practice is allowed under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as long as it does not consistently result in the underpayment of wages. 2. Rounding time and the FLSA: Under the FLSA, employers can round employee time to the nearest quarter-hour, but rounding down consistently is considered a violation. Employers must ensure that rounding does not consistently benefit the employer at the expense of the employee. 3. Rounding time and California labor